I have always liked the date - 8th September. There seems to be something special about it, although am not sure what. Great people were born on this day. I heard on the radio on the way to work - Peter Sellers and one of the other goons..... also some other famous people, names escape me.
I counted my float .......... I had 8 $2 coins, 8 $1 coins, 8 20c coins and 8 5c pieces. Not bad for the 8th September.
This is my first blog.....I feel I need to have one, to put my thoughts into words and perhaps that might help lift this cloud that sits on me so much of the time. It is not that I am unhappy..... but there ARE things I would like to change. I know I can't because that means changing people and that is not going to happen, so I will blog instead.
You might ask why WIFLE? Well....What I Feel Like Expressing.
An average morning - not much time to do the foreign order Rob and I had planned. Cutting out name tags for Myf's hen's night. I am not going..... but am happy to help with all things crafty. I should be going, but a night out with 22 ladies really scares me. I feel so unsocial being like this, but how do I explain to people ? I can't hear anyone but the person next to me.....and I never learned those social skills and milling and meeting and trying to be interesting. It seems to come naturally to some people. God I was so behind the door when they handed out these skills. I feel stupid, awkward and feel like I have ten thumbs when all I really want is to be able to relax, enjoy myself and have some fun. It seems to be beyond me. Anyway Myf - have a great night. Another reason I am not going is ..... Shaz is going, along with Bec...... not my scene. I wouldn't mind being a fly on the wall though with all these ladies being in the one room together, The likes of Sue, Fran and and I would like to read their thoughts when they see Shaz in action and Bec looking all mysterious and booby with the mandatory bottle of wine in the hand. oh yeah and the constant stubbies in the personal stubby holder that Shaz seems to take everywhere.
I just hope I get some blubber off my stomach before the wedding. Want to wear my pink outfit. If only I could slice off some of the tummy bulges and the midrift!! Still the situps in bed might work.
I blabbed and babbled today......God why? Kel came to me when I was having lunch and said she had noticed for a few weeks, I haven't been me. She is right..... and I babbled on about Mary and Mum and she probably thought I had lost it. I talk too much ....mum would kill me.... so disloyal. But what a year it's been with all the things that have taken place...and all the mum stuff and Mary and her usual craziness. Having the two together had made things even crazier. All the crap that comes out of mum's mouth, when all I want is for her to sit down and talk to me and listen to me. She only ever talks, she never listens and some times I feel like screaming at her to shut up and listen to me for a change. I want to tell her things and I don't want her to say 'never judge anyone until you have walked a mile in their shoes'. She has been saying that to me for so long and so many times I could just bust. She is the most judgemental person ever born. I can't say anything to her without her saying that 'well used phrase' and yet I have to sit and listen to her talking about the staff, other residents, some of which she has described as 'bastards'...... that is not judge mental?????????
Signing off. Tired. tomorrow is another day. R
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